Terms & Conditions
Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Training
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Due to the type of training we are conducting and the training exercises that are involved, we do require all students to arrive on time each day and be in attendance the entire time. Students arriving late and/or departing early, will not be permitted to return to the remainder of the training due to the content and training exercises missed.
*Due to limited seating for the Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Trainings, students are limited to attending a maximum of two (2) NLP Practitioner Trainings. This will ensure that others have an opportunity to take advantage of this special training.
CERTIFICATION: To qualify for certification, you must be in attendance for the entire Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Training. Upon completion of the training, students will be emailed a link with the NLP Certification Test, 30-Step Action Plan, and certifying board information. Once the test and 30-Step Action Plan has been completed, it will need to be submitted directly to the certifying board, the AIP (Association for Integrative Psychology), along with your certification fee of $125 USD. If you have already attended a previous Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Training by Empowerment, Inc. and are re-attending the training for certification purposes, please note that you are required to be in attendance the entire training to be eligible for certification. Training time from previous trainings will not be taken into consideration for certification.
FUTURE TRAININGS: Many contact the office to inquire about our more advanced/major trainings. We will briefly speak about a few of these trainings during the course of this Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Training. If there is a specific training you are interested in, please see the staff at the back table for more information.
BUYER’S RIGHT TO CANCEL: You have three (3) days from the date you enroll in the Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Trainings to cancel your agreement and have 100% of your deposit refunded. Thereafter, there is a non-refundable cancellation fee of 100% per training. Once the training has started, if at any time prior to the conclusion of your training, you should become dissatisfied with the program, simply meet with an Empowerment, Inc. representative to discuss your dissatisfaction and if we are unable to resolve the problem, we will issue store credit valid for one (1) year. All materials received at the training must be returned to Empowerment, Inc. to be eligible for store credit.
TERMS OF ENROLLMENT: My enrollment for this training is valid for one (1) year from the date of purchase. If I am unable to attend the specific dates and location for the training for which I enrolled, I may attend the same training at a later date within a 1-year period from my original date of registration. However, I understand that I cannot transfer funds to any other Empowerment, Inc. training, it must be for the same training course for which I originally enrolled. An Enrollment Transfer Fee of $150 USD applies to each time an enrollment is transferred less than thirty (30) days prior to training start date. Enrollment Transfers are limited to a maximum of one (1) transfer. If I am unable to attend the same training course within this 1-year period, I understand that I will not be refunded for my payment.
NO SHOW POLICY: Students who neither attends, reschedules, nor cancels their enrollment for a training are considered a “No Show” and are not entitled to any refund of their enrollment fee. Students are able to reinstate and transfer their enrollment to another location and time for a reinstatement fee of $150 USD. Reinstatement must be processed within 6 months from the original date of enrollment.
FORCE MAJEURE EVENT: I further understand that upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event (defined below) Empowerment, Inc. may with thirty (30) days prior written notice, modify the date, time, location and trainer for the training for which I enrolled, or cancel the training entirely. If circumstances change within the 30-day window prior to the training preventing the training from occurring such as illness or death of a trainer or an extreme or unreasonable difficulty, Empowerment, Inc. will notify students within three (3) days or less of the training date. In the event the training is cancelled by Empowerment, Inc., a refund shall be issued, less any vendor fees, merchant fees, printing fees, bank fees and venue fees or any other costs or expenses arising in connection with cancelled training. As used in herein, a Force Majeure Event means any event that by the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not have been prevented by Empowerment, Inc. and may include without limitation, acts of God, strikes, lockouts or boycotts, war, terrorist acts, major weather events, epidemics, pandemics, shut downs or prohibitions of commercial or other activity by any level of government or authority impacting the training, illness or death of a trainer, and other events. This applies to all Seminars and Trainings offered by Empowerment, Inc.